
Stephanie Springer

Stephanie Springer is the National Education Manager for NatureBridge, where she works to support all four of NatureBridge’s campuses with organization-wide evaluation, education and operations efforts. A California native, she started her career in environmental education over 15 years ago by taking her biology degree to the East Coast and teaching at outdoor education centers in Georgia, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The longest portion of her career so far was spent working as the Environmental Educator for the town of Brookline, MA, where she taught and coordinated a variety of nature education programs for over 10 years. A move back to California brought a move out of direct field work and into full administrative work at NatureBridge, where Stephanie first worked as the leader of their Coastal Camp program. Stephanie is passionate about long-distance backpacking and science education, and currently lives in San Rafael with her cat and husband.

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