Tiffany Baca is a motivated public affairs strategist with an extensive background in high-impact communications and has proven, award-winning success building and supporting strong brands and strong communities. As the public affairs manager at the Municipal Water District of Orange County, leader of the Water Energy Education Alliance, and the California Association of Public Information Officers 2020 Communicator of the Year, she commits each day to excellence, mobilizing creative teams that work to conceptualize, execute, and advance programs, strategies, and campaigns that educate, inform, and inspire action. Tiffany is committed to the health and reliability of our natural resources, and to the knowledge, strength, and resiliency of the next generation of California citizens. She is steadfast in the belief that investments in our young people today will ultimately contribute to the health and welfare of future workers, their families, and the state’s economy.
Pronouns: she, her, hers