The CAELI Partner Portal serves as a central directory for community-based organizations who offer environmental education programs (in-classroom, field trip, overnight, etc.) throughout the state. The purpose of this directory is to increase equitable access to impactful environmental literacy programs for all California’s TK–12 students, foster collaboration, build capacity for educators, and establish consistency in program alignment. Currently, twenty California county offices of education have a dedicated presence on the Partner Portal.
To view a recording of the CAELI Partner Portal webinar orientation, click here.

Spread the Word! Share the CAELI Partner Portal promotional flier to all educators in your network and region. Download the flier here.
We’re grateful to The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the BelleJAR Foundation and the Morgan Family Foundation for their generous support on this project. Many thanks to our partner, Green Guardians, for building the platform.