Nathan Inouye has been an educational leader for over 20 years. He is currently the assistant director of instructional services at Moorpark Unified School District and previously provided science professional development and facilitated professional learning communities at the district, county, and state level as the Ventura County Office of Education science coordinator and region 8 (Kern, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties) science lead. He has contributed to toolkits for the implementation of Next Generation Science Standards, summative and formative assessments, lesson study, health instructional materials, and environmental literacy. Nathan was an informal and formal educator in the K–college setting in his earlier years. He began teaching college algebra as an instructor’s assistant at the University of Colorado before serving two years as a US Peace Corps volunteer in Jamaica, providing elementary environmental education and youth development training. Upon returning to the US, Nathan received his secondary teaching credential and MS at the University of California, Los Angeles. He taught secondary science in Los Angeles and Ventura county areas, including all levels of integrated science, chemistry, and biology. Nathan has experience supporting English Language Learners in the classroom and developing school-site programs. He is trained in developing English language development lessons using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol and Content Area Language and Literacy. Nathan has coordinated school-site gifted and talented education and Advanced Placement programs. He currently serves as the Assistant Director of Instructional Services for the Moorpark Unified School District.
Pronouns: he, him, his
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