Los Angeles County Office of Education
Anthony Quan
Anthony Quan is the STEM Science Coordinator for Los Angeles County Office of Education. He has over 30 years of experience as an educator. He has held roles in traditional school settings (middle school instructor, TOSA, PAR/BTSA), institutes of higher education (CSULA, CSU Long Beach, UCLA, Claremont Graduate), and informal education (Monterey Bay Aquarium). He has served on many committees (CA State Science Framework, CASE Conference Chair) and is also a Leadership member with the NGSS Collaborative. Anthony currently supports NGSS Implementation, STEM/STEAM Initiatives, Computer Science, Student Events, and Environmental Literacy. He is the designated CREEC Coordinator for Los Angeles County by the CA Dept. of Education. He is driven to provide as much assistance as possible for increasing student achievement and strengthening teacher delivery.
Innovation Hub:
County Office of Education
CAELI Partner Portal (CAPP)
Professional Learning