June 13, 2024 Newsletter

As we make a transition from the school year into summer, we are eager to share some exciting new resources that CAELI members have been working on throughout the 2023-24 season. After months of collaboration and development we are excited to share two new projects that aim to bring environmental literacy into two critical focus areas for California TK–12 Education system: English Language Arts (ELA) and Career Technical Education (CTE). The ELA Superheroes Podcast is a groundbreaking series delving into how educators weave environmental literacy into ELA instruction. For CTE, we have a sneak peak at the Green Career Call to Action report, which focuses on what is needed to provide universal access to quality green career education to all of California’s students. The newsletter also provides additional resources and the latest opportunities, events, and news in environmental education. Dive in and stay inspired!

💐 What to expect this month:

  • Revealing the Green Careers Report
  • New ELA Classroom Superheroes podcast
  • CAELI Partner Portal
  • Rewatch Our Spring Webinars
  • Innovation Hub Webinars
  • News, Opportunities, and more!

call to action: educating for a green economy report. Download today. A farmer reading an iPad near plants.

Join Us for the 2024 Green Careers Report Reveal

After months of planning and development, we are ready to launch a Call To Action to statewide government and education leaders focused on green career education. The Green Career Innovation Hub of CAELI is advocating for the creation of a statewide strategic plan to secure equitable access for TK–16 students to the high-growth, high-quality green careers essential to a sustainable future.

Join the launch webinar for the California “Call to Action: Educating for a Green Economy” white Paper on June 20 from 4:00–5:30 pm (one-hour presentation followed by a thirty minute optional discussion). Register here in advance. Those who register will receive the recording following the webinar.

About the Call to Action

A dynamic and diverse pipeline of trained and qualified sustainability professionals is essential to meet our statewide sustainability, equity, and economic goals across key occupations and sectors.

The resulting statewide plan will guide and align education and workforce development programming, with the intent of attracting and strategically directing millions of dollars of public and private funding towards a data-driven approach to strengthen California’s global leadership in the green economy.

Read more details on our blog, check out our website for more information, and register for the webinar here.

ELA superheroes podcast for environmental educators and english-language-arts

Unveiling the ELA Superheroes Podcast!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the four-part ELA Superheroes podcast, a groundbreaking series that offers a detailed look into how educators integrate environmental literacy with English Language Arts (ELA) instruction. Each episode provides real classroom stories, innovative teaching strategies, and practical resources.

The episodes are structured to provide educators with actionable insights and resources. Teaching snapshots per episode are available that share a detailed blueprint of how educators can integrate environmental literacy into their  ELA curriculum. We understand that everyone learns differently and have offered multiple solutions for ELA teachers and others interested in expanding environmental learning. This format ensures that every listener comes away with not only inspiration but also tangible tools to enhance their teaching strategies and promote environmental literacy in their ELA curriculum.

Catch the latest episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and be sure to check out the recorded podcast launch party featuring our amazing ELA Superheroes. Happy listening!

For more details read our announcement on our blog.

CAELI partner portal

Explore the CAELI Partner Portal

Have you explored and found the valuable organizations working across the state to advance environmental education programs? The CAELI Partner Portal (CAPP) was created to increase access to impactful environment-based learning for all of California’s K–12 students.

Educators, administrators, and environmental leaders can access the central directory, which includes information about community-based organizations who offer environmental education programs (in-classroom, field trip, overnight, etc.) throughout California.

Learn more on our website or go directly to explore the Partner Portal.

Spread the Word! Share the CAPP promotional flier to all educators in your network and region. Download and share the flier.

Rewatch Our Spring Webinars

Now that school’s out and summer’s rolling in, it’s the perfect time to kick back, relax, and catch up on some professional development without the hustle and bustle of the academic year. Dive into the recordings of the spring 2024 CAELI District Innovation Hub webinars.

If you haven’t joined yet, these sessions are packed with insights from equity-focused leaders who are revolutionizing environmental literacy and school sustainability in California. Whether you’re a district leader, teacher, or just passionate about education, there’s something here for you. Catch up on topics such as:

  • School Board Leadership for Sustainability and Environmental Literacy
  • Approaches to Climate Literacy: Responding to AB 285
  • Funding Strategies for Environmental Literacy
  • Environmental Literacy: Connecting Facilities, Operations, and Student Learning
  • Troubleshooting Challenges to Districtwide Sustainability and Environmental Literacy

Check out our webinar page to start rewatching today!

Opportunities, Events, and News

  • It’s that time of year again, Green Ribbon Schools Award Program applications for the 2024-2025 year are out. Help your schools be recognized for its excellence in resource efficiency, health and wellness, and environmental and sustainability education. Apply by November 4.

  • The Biden Administration has awarded forty-seven California school districts more than $91 million in rebate funding to help purchase new electric or low-emission school buses. Learn more about how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is helping California schools.

  • Trees, not asphalt are a priority. Even a little shade can go a long way when the asphalt on the school playground can reach 149 F on a hot, sunny day. Bay Area schools are working to build ‘cooler’ school playgrounds to support student health and wellbeing.

  • California lawmakers are narrowing down a climate bond amidst budget pressures, potentially ranging from $6 to $13 billion, competing against an education bond, while environmental groups advocate for at least $10 billion to address climate priorities like extreme heat and wildfires. KQED summarizes what is at stake.