Jermaine Reece is an advocate for self-sufficiency and well-being. He believes everyone should have an opportunity to be successful as long as they are willing to do some work. He is passionate about safe environmental practices, community gardening, and generational education. Jermaine’s diverse upbringing in Guyana, South America to his establishment of a strong family in Stockton, CA, supplies the drive and passion for success and longevity. He plans to couple his knowledge base of an agriculture and carpentry background, with his project management degree, to assist in creating systems for Stockton Unified that will develop and sustain services for our community. As the Energy Education Specialist, he believes wholeheartedly that we must teach each other traditions that will instill in our youth the passion needed to progress, together as one community. He is currently working on his Master’s of Education in Environmental Literacy which will assist him in bringing all things together for our community.
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