September 12, 2024 Newsletter

We’re kicking off this school year with a surge of positive energy following last week’s CAELI quarterly meeting. With the majority of our CAELI members in attendance, the enthusiasm for advancing environmental literacy across California was palpable. Attendees shared insights, celebrated progress, and set the stage for a dynamic year ahead. This season promises to be filled with collaboration and continued progress in advancing environmental literacy for all California students.

In this newsletter, you’ll find highlights from a new article exploring the findings and recommendations of the Peaks and Valleys report, a recap of our successful quarterly meeting, and an invitation to join the County Office of Education Environmental Literacy Community of Practice. We’re thrilled to continue building momentum with all of you! We hope these updates keep you informed and inspired as we work together to advance environmental literacy statewide.

📚 What to expect this month:

  • Findings from a Landscape Study of Environmental Literacy
  •  CAELI Quarterly Meeting Recap
  • Join the COE Environmental Literacy Community of Practice
  • ICYMI: CAELI Resources and Reminders

Peaks and Valleys: Exploring Report Findings and Recommendations

The Peaks and Valleys report, developed by CAELI, Ten Strands, and The Lawrence Hall of Science, explores the current state of environmental literacy in California’s TK–12 schools. The yearlong study provides insight into how environmental education is being implemented at the classroom level, drawing on input from educators in all fifty-eight counties.

The findings reveal a mixed landscape. While over eighty percent of educators express a desire to expand environmental literacy, many lack the resources and professional development necessary to fully integrate it. The report also emphasizes the need for inclusivity, calling for materials that address the intersections of race, culture, and Indigenous ecological knowledge.

This study serves as a call to action for educators, policymakers, and community leaders to strengthen support for environmental literacy across California.

Explore the findings here.


CAELI Quarterly Meeting Recap – September 4, 2024

On September 4, the CAELI quarterly meeting brought together CAELI members from across the state, all eager to kick off the 2024-25 CAELI Season together. After time for networking and community building, attendees shared updates on statewide initiatives related to CAELI, such as Outdoor Learning Initiatives, the Sustainable and Climate Ready Schools Coalition, the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE), and more. Progress on projects such as the Seeds to Solutions climate and environmental justice curriculum, and updates on programs such as the California Youth Climate Policy (CYCP) Leadership Program were also shared.

Breakout sessions focused on strategies to align environmental initiatives with the timing and seasons of different constituents in the school systems, and the legislative cycles. Attendees also discussed the importance of building capacity for long-term systems change. CAELI leaders emphasized the findings of the Peaks and Valleys report, encouraging members to incorporate its insights into the many projects and programs led by CAELI Innovation Hubs and CAELI-Wide Initiatives in the 2024-25 season.

Overall, the meeting was highly productive, with participants expressing enthusiasm for the year ahead and leaving with a renewed commitment to advancing environmental literacy.

Join the COE Environmental Literacy Community of Practice

The County Office of Education (COE) Environmental Literacy Community of Practice (COP) is entering its fourth year, and we invite COE staff to join this growing network! The COP brings together staff from across California in roles such as curriculum and instruction, expanded learning, and community engagement to build capacity for environmental literacy and sustainability in schools and districts.

This community provides a space to share best practices, resources, and strategies for integrating environmental literacy and sustainability across school campuses, curricula, and operations. Members meet bi-monthly on Thursdays for professional learning, networking, and focused discussions on self-selected topics.

The upcoming COP meetings are scheduled for October 31, December 12, February 27, and April 24, from 9:00–10:30 am PST.

Register here!

Innovation Hub Spotlight: Peggy Harte

ICYMI: CAELI Resources and Reminders

  • Each year, the AEOE selects two Environmental Educators of the Year—one in Northern California and one in Southern California—for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental and outdoor education. This award recognizes someone who is currently teaching, has contributed to the success of environmental education in the state, and leads by example within the field. Read more about past winners and nominate your Environmental Educator of the Year here! Deadline is September 15.
  • Exciting opportunity for SoCal environmental/outdoor educators! This four session professional learning series offered by San Diego COE will focus on supporting student observations, developing questioning strategies, and increasing student engagement through discourse. The first webinar is on September 27. Register here!
  • Save the date! On Sunday, October 27, join AEOE and environmental and outdoor education professionals from across your region to explore a local site while meeting colleagues working in a variety of settings. The event includes networking activities, snacks, and a tour of the site. Make new connections and learn more about a local program in your region! Learn more here.
  • It’s that time of year again—the Green Ribbon Schools Award Program applications for the 2024–2025 year are now available! This prestigious program recognizes schools and districts for their excellence in resource efficiency, health and wellness, and environmental and sustainability education. We encourage all schools and districts to apply and showcase their commitment to a greener future. The application deadline is November 4, so don’t miss this opportunity to gain well-deserved recognition for your hard work and dedication. Apply here.
  • Register now for the Green California Schools and Higher Education Summit taking place on November 13th in Pasadena. The agenda for this event includes access to education sessions, live keynote, annual leadership awards, and a great expo hall featuring sustainable products and services. The CAELI District Innovation Hub will also be hosting a CAELI-Meet-up at the summit for district, site, and COE leaders to connect and learn from stories of school communities taking environmental and climate action. Register here.